Alternative word predictions and corrections (List B)

The words that appear in List B are usually words that appear or sound like the word you are typing. The difference between a conventional word prediction in List A and the alternative word predictions in List B, will become clear after reading the examples below.

Example: Imagine you want to type the word 'write', but you start by typing the letter 'r'. List A will then only predict words that begin with an 'r'. List B will display words that sound like 'r', but can also be written differently. If you type 'raite', no other words will be predicted in List A, as 'raite' is not an English word. However, List B will display the word 'write'. The word predictions in List B attempt to match the look or sound of the word you have typed. This means that the word predictions in List B are also corrective.

Example: 'compyouter' If you spell the word 'computer' incorrectly as 'compyouter', then the word 'computer' is predicted in List B. This prediction method helps to avoid errors that are missed by traditional word prediction programs. The word you have in mind may still appear in List B, even though it has been misspelled.