Auto-learning with word prediction settings

You can specify whether to add new words or word pairs to the word list. You can also increase the probability of frequently-used words or word pairs, so the next time they will appear quicker.

Note: If the user frequently enters incorrect words, it is preferable to disable the Learn while typing option.
  1. Open Skippy.
  2. Choose Menu > Settings > General.
  3. Select the Learn while typing option:
    Only frequencies The more a word is used, the higher the frequency becomes, and the next time the word appears sooner in the word prediction.
    Words New words are added to the word list and the frequency of existing words is customized.
    Word pairs Consecutive words, consisting of words that already have a certain frequency, are added to the word list. With regard to word pairs, the frequency of the word pair is customized.
    Words and word pairs Both the frequencies, words and word pairs are learned.
  4. Click OK.