Setting the position of the word prediction lists

You can specify how you want the prediction lists to appear on your screen. For example, you can decide which list should appear first. List A contains the conventional word predictions. List B contains the alternative word predictions.

  1. Open Skippy.
  2. Choose Menu > Settings > Layout.
  3. From the first Position: drop-down list, select one of the following positions:
    Next to eachother The word predictions appear next to each other in a row. In this case, modify the Skippy window by limiting it to 1 list or to fewer options per list, to make sure the word predictions are still readable.
    Under eachother The word predictions appear under each other in a column.
  4. From the second Position: drop-down list, select one of the following options:
    Only list A Only List A is displayed.
    Only list B Only List B is displayed.
    List A left / List B right List A appears on the left. List B appears on the right.
    List B left / List A right List B appears on the left. List A appears on the right.
    List A above / List B below List A appears at the top. List B appears at the bottom.
    List B above / List A below List B appears at the top. List A appears at the bottom.
    Lists A and B mixed The word predictions from List A and B are mixed together.
  5. Click OK.