Actions: Agenda and time > Agenda > Edit agenda

With the Edit agenda actions the user can schedule new appointments and notifications in their agenda.

Action Description Settings
Add events The user adds the content of the notification to the agenda. In Add to agenda, choose one of the following options:
  • Indicate start and end times: the user can customize the start and end times with actions such as Edit start time and Edit end time.
  • Indicate in the agenda: this allows the user to select the place in the agenda.
Delete events The user deletes the appointment from the agenda according to start and end time or by indicating the appointment in the agenda. In Delete from the agenda, choose one of the following options:
  • Indicate start and end times
  • Indicate in the agenda

For a further explanation, see also the settings in Add events in this table.

Cancel delete events

The user cancels the Delete events action.

An appointment can be deleted in two steps:
  1. The user selects a cell using the Delete events action.
  2. The user selects the appointment in the agenda.

The Delete events action only works after the first step.

Add alerts The user adds the content of the notification to the agenda. In Add to agenda, choose one of the following options:
  • Indicate start time: the user sets the start for the current day. The last-mentioned can be customized by the user with actions such as the Edit start time action.
  • Indicate in the agenda: the user selects the place of the current day in the agenda.