The portal

The Mind Express portal gives an overview of the user's available pagesets.
Tip: Use the menu to display the portal to the user in full screen mode. You can exit full screen using ESC on the keyboard. On a tablet, this can be done via the on-screen keyboard. Many Jabbla devices have a separate escape button.

Mind Express starts up as a portal or with the user view of a start pageset. Using the menu you can return to the portal from the user view of a pageset. If you are in a pageset's edit view, you must first stop editing.

You can organize the portal using the menu.

Figure 1. The Mind Express window as the portal
No. Area Explanation
1 Menu From the menu you can:
  • create a new pageset
  • organize the portal
  • choose the control method
  • display full screen
  • export pagesets
  • import pagesets
  • change the settings
  • open webhelp
  • change the profile or add a new profile
2 The main window This window shows the available pagesets.
3 Title bar The title bar displays 'Portal' and the name of the profile.