Changing the pronunciation of a word

You can change the pronunciation of a word by adding it to the speech dictionary and choosing a substitute word. This can be useful, for example, to have an abbreviation pronounced in full or to have a name pronounced with a different accent. You can also use the phonetic characters of the specified text-to-speech voice.

There is a speech dictionary for each chosen voice/language.

  1. Choose Menu > Settings.
  2. Choose Speech.
    The Speech tab appears.
  3. Choose the Speech dictionary tab.
  4. In the Speech dictionary options group, choose . A pop-up window appears.
  5. Enter the word you want pronounced differently in the Word field.
  6. In the Replacement field, perform one of the following options:
    • Rewrite the word to make the pronunciation sound better. For example, if a 'd' needs to sound like a 't', then rewrite the word replacing the 'd' with a 't'.
    • Rewrite the word with Phonetic characters:
      1. (Only for Acapela) Put a space between each phonetic character.
      2. In Phonetic, choose Yes.
  7. Choose to test if the pronunciation is satisfactory.
  8. Choose OK. The word is now included in the list.
    Note: You can delete an existing word from the list or change the pronunciation of the word.