Displaying the page as a pop-up window

You can display a page as a pop-up window. This allows part of the underlying page to remain visible, under a gray transparent layer. For example: to send an e-mail you can select your contacts using a pop-up window.
  1. Go to the page you want to show as a pop-up window.
  2. Choose Edit > Edit mode (F2).
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Go to Document > Page settings....
    • Press F8.
  4. In the bottom of the Page settings dialog, select the Pop-up window option.
  5. Click Settings and define the position and size of the pop-up window.
    Settings Explanation
    Left: Enter the position of the left border of the pop-up window as a percentage of the entire Mind Express window.
    Top: Enter the position of the top border of the pop-up window as a percentage of the entire Mind Express window.
    Width: Enter the width of the pop-up window as a percentage of the entire Mind Express window.
    Height: Enter the height of the pop-up window as a percentage of the entire Mind Express window.

  6. Click OK.
  7. Click OK.