Changing the pronunciation of a word

If the pronunciation of a word is not correct, you can add the word with the new pronunciation to the speech dictionary. The word is written phonetically and can be listened to immediately.
  1. Choose Tools > Speech dictionary....
  2. From the drop-down list, select the speech dictionary that you want to add a word to.
  3. Click the Word field and enter the word with the incorrect pronunciation.
  4. Click the New pronunciation: field and enter the correct pronunciation of the word.
  5. As required, select Phonetic, if you have used the phonetic transcription in the New pronunciation: field.
    Note: If you do not select Phonetic, you can write it as you would say it.
    Note: For Realspeak there is a different phonetic alphabet than for Acapela. See Realspeak.
    Users of Acapela on the Zingui or on the Smart need also to place everything between "\prn=" en "\".
  6. Click on to listen to the new pronunciation.
  7. Click Add item .
    The word appears in the word list of the speech dictionary.
  8. To add more words, repeat from step 4.
  9. Click OK.