
Tip 1: Avoid mistakes

If you want to send an e-mail, start by writing your text in Word. Use your spell checker. Then have SprintPlus read your text out loud. You will be able to hear any mistakes you made. Switch on the "homophones" function as an extra check. Correct, then copy and paste the text into your e-mail message.

Tip 2: Use the Skippy word prediction (optional)

This option is especially useful if you are not sure how to spell a word. And also if you type slowly. You start writing a few letters and SprintPlus predicts what you want to type. Click the word you want to use. This allows you to use fewer key strokes. Moreover, you can be sure that the word is spelled correctly.

How does word prediction work? You are typing a letter. A list of (perhaps) ten words appears. All of these ten words start with the letter you typed first. The list contains words that are most likely the ones you want to type.

An example: You want to type the word "immediately" correctly. After typing the "i", the program suggests a list of words including "in" and "it". After typing the third letter, "imm" word prediction also suggests the word "immediately". After just one more key stroke, the entire, correct word appears on your screen. So you only needed four key strokes to correctly write "immediately" on your screen. Word predicting is very fast. The program can remember words you use frequently, so these words are predicted much quicker.