Quickly replace pictures with pictures from a different symbol set

You can quickly replace the pictures from one symbol set with pictures from another symbol set for one or all pages of a pageset.

  1. Choose Menu > Edit F2.
  2. Choose the Pageset tab in the edit panel.
  3. Choose Convert symbol set.
    The Convert symbol set dialog appears.
  4. In the Convert to field, choose from the drop-down list the symbol set you want to convert your symbols to.
  5. In the On pages field, choose one of the following options:
    • All pages to convert the symbols on all the pages.
    • Current page to convert the symbols only on the current page.
  6. In the If no symbol is available field, choose one of the following options:
    • Hide cell
    • Delete existing symbol from cell
    • Leave cell unchanged
  7. Choose OK.