Preference settings on scanning

Start by specifying the scan method! The preferences that can be specified, depend on the defined scanning method. See The scanning method settings.
  1. Choose Tools > Scanning selection....
  2. Choose the Preferences tab.
  3. In the Jump to beginning option group, select the following options as required:
    Option Explanation
    After selection of a cell If you select this option, scanning will proceed from the top left cell (or the first row/column, depending on the current scanning method) of the grid, after you have made a selection.
    With switch 2 If you select this option, the user can use switch 2 (for example the right mouse button) to return to the first cell in the grid. If this option has been disabled and scanning has already proceeded past the desired cell, then the user needs to scan the entire grid before there is the possibility to return to the desired cell.
    Automatic first step If you carry out the steps using a switch, then this option ensures that scanning always starts by immediately visualizing the first box. By disabling this option, you first need to press the step switch to mark the first cell.
  4. In the Return from wrong group selection option group, select the following options as required:
    Option Explanation
    Select on entire group highlight If you select this option, then the entire group is highlighted after scanning has passed through all the cells of the group. Press the switch to go to the next group.
    After number of rounds: If you select this option, then the cells of a selected row or column are scanned during a specific number of rounds. If after the specified number of rounds a selection still has not been made, then scanning will continue with the next row, column or group.
  5. In the Pause scanning option group, select the following options as required:
    Option Explanation
    After selection of a cell If you select this option, scanning is temporarily interrupted if the user has made a selection. Press a switch to resume scanning.
    With switch 2 If you select this option, scanning is temporarily interrupted if the user presses switch 2. This option can only be used in scanning mode with 1 switch. Press switch 1 to resume scanning.
    After number of rounds: If you select this option, then scanning stops automatically if no selection has been made within a number of specified rounds.