Actions: Access > Eye tracking

You can allow the user to calibrate, start, close eye tracking. You can also allow the user to enable or disable selection via a switch or blinking and to enable or disable dwelling.

Action Description
Calibrate The user starts the calibration process.
Monitor The cell shows the user the screen with the eye position if they are in the vicinity of the eye tracking camera. A full circle means that the eye is properly observed. A hollow circle means that the eye is not observed by eye tracking. If in Menu > Settings > Access > Eye tracking > Eye monitor settings Camera image, Camera image was chosen, then a real image of the user's eyes is displayed. Properly observed eyes are marked with a green cross.
Pause The user pauses eye tracking and the eyes are displayed in the cell, so he or she can check whether the eyes are properly detected by the eye tracking camera. A full circle means that the eye is properly observed. A hollow circle means that the eye is not observed by eye tracking. If the user selects this field, eye tracking is paused until the user selects this cell again. The cell is displayed in red if eye tracking is paused. Displaying the eyes in the pause cell does NOT work with Alea eye tracking. If in Menu > Settings > Access > Eye tracking > Eye monitor settingsCamera image, Camera image was chosen, then a real image of the user's eyes is displayed. Properly observed eyes are marked with a green cross.
Start eye tracking The user starts eye tracking.
Close eye tracking The user stops eye tracking.
Dwelling on The user enables dwell.
Dwelling off The user disables dwell.
Dwelling on/off The user enables or disables dwell.
Blink on The user enables selection by blinking.
Blink off The user disables selection by blinking.
Blink on/off The user enables or disables selection by blinking.
Switch on The user enables selection via switch.
Switch off The user disables selection via switch.
Switch on/off The user enables or disables selection via switch.