Actions: Windows Control > Start program

You can allow the user to start up a specified Windows program.

Action Description Settings
Start program The user starts up the specified program.
  1. Choose . The Open dialog appears.
  2. Navigate to the program that is to be executed by this action, for example C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe which starts up a web browser.
  3. Select the file.
  4. Choose Open. The full path to the program has now been pasted in the Start program field.
  5. Choose OK.
Start file The user opens the set file with the device's default Windows program.
  1. Choose . The Open dialog appears.
  2. Browse to the file to be opened with this action.
  3. Select the file.
  4. Choose Open. The full path to the file has now been pasted in the Start file field.
  5. Choose OK.