Actions: Prediction

You can also find the Prediction actions related to messages in the Most used > Message Box category.

You can add these Prediction actions to cells, which can be selected by the user, to add useful word or phrase predictions or to delete annoying predictions.

You can use the other Prediction actions to add Word prediction, Alternative prediction or Sentence prediction actions to cells to help the user to communicate faster. For example, depending on whether the user enters letters in the message cell or selects words using other cells, the cells with these actions will show the user words, word corrections or sentences. The user can then choose this cell to have the word read out and/or add it to a message cell.

Action Description Settings
Word prediction This cell displays a word prediction to the user, depending on the letters already selected or on the previous word. In Show a symbol with the prediction choose one of the following options:
  • No
  • Yes, if available
  • Yes, only predictions with symbols
Alternative prediction Depending on the letters already entered by the user (e.g. 'komp'), this cell shows a correction suggestion (e.g. 'computer'). In Show a symbol with the prediction choose one of the following options:
  • No
  • Yes, if available
  • Yes, only predictions with symbols
Sentence prediction This cell displays a sentence prediction to the user, depending on the letters or words already entered.
Add to word prediction The user adds all words in the message to the word prediction list.
Delete from word prediction The user deletes all words in the message from the word prediction list.
Add to sentence prediction The user adds all sentences in the message to the sentence prediction list.
Delete from sentence prediction The user deletes all sentences in the message from the sentence prediction list.