Actions: Calculator

With the Calculator actions you can create a calculator for users.

Action Description Settings
Results window This cell shows the user the calculator screen with the displayed result.
  • Reset at pageload: choose Yes if the cell can be cleared when the user reopens the page.
  • Read operation: choose Yes if the operation is read when he or she selects the cell with the Results window action.
  • Show only the result: choose Yes if only the result should be shown in the result window (and not the operation).
  • Write the result in the Message Box: choose Yes if the result should appear in the message box when the user selects the result window.
Clear All The result window is cleared when the user selects this cell.
Delete The last character in the result window is deleted.
Read The content of the cell with the Results window action is said aloud.
Numbers from 0 to 9 The user enters a number from 0 to 9.
Sum The user enters the sum operation.
Difference The user enters the subtract operation.
Multiplication The user enters the product operation.
Division The user enters the divide operation.
Power The user enters the to the power operation.
Equals The user performs the calculation of the operation and displays the result in the result window.
Square root The user enters the square root operation.
Reciprocal The user enters the multiplicative inverse operation.
Opposite The user changes the character of the entered number.