Actions: Interactive > Wait

The Wait actions allow the user to enter user-defined pauses between actions.

Action Description Settings
Wait 1 second Mind Express waits 1 second before the next action is performed. For example between two text actions Text of a cell you can leave a pause of 1 second.
Wait 2 seconds Mind Express waits 2 seconds before the next action is performed. For example between two text actions Text of a cell you leave a pause of 2 seconds.
Wait x milliseconds Mind Express waits x milliseconds before the next action is performed. For example between two text actions Text of a cell you leave a pause of 3,000 milliseconds (3 seconds). In the Waiting time (in milliseconds) field, enter the number of milliseconds (1,000 ms = 1 s).
Wait for sound to finish The user must wait until all voice and sound actions (NOT music and video) have been performed before the next action is carried out.