Actions: Windows Control > Customize active window

The actions in the Customize active window category allow the user to change the size and position of the active window of another Windows application in several ways. The user can also activate other windows.

To do this, the user must enable Windows Control with the Send on or Send on/off action, see Actions: Windows Control > Send.

Action Description Settings
Top The user increases or decreases the active window at the top with the set number of pixels. In Distance, choose one of the following options:
  • Enter a positive number of pixels to enlarge the screen.
  • Enter a negative number of pixels to decrease the screen.
The default change is 100 pixels.
Bottom The user increases or decreases the active window at the bottom with the set number of pixels.
Left side The user increases or decreases the active window on the left side with the set number of pixels.
Right side The user increases or decreases the active window on the right side with the set number of pixels.
Smart positioning The user positions the active window on the side of the Mind Express window that fits best. In Fill out, choose Yes to force the active window to take up as much space as possible.
Link top The user positions the active window at the top of the Mind Express window.
Link bottom The user positions the active window at the bottom of the Mind Express window.
Link left The user positions the active window to the left of the Mind Express window.
Link right The user positions the active window to the right of the Mind Express window.
Minimize The user minimizes the active window.
Maximize The user maximizes the active window.
Restore size The user restores the size of the window to the size it was before minimizing or maximizing.
Make window active The user makes the window active. If a window has not been set, then the next window becomes active. In the Window field, enter the (complete or partial) title name of the window you want to make active.