Actions: Phonetic

You can add an action to a cell which will speak a letter or diphthong phonetically and add it to the message. The action enables you to playback a recording (wav file) of the phonetic sound of the letter or diphthong. You can choose the language the phonetic sound occurs in. If the user has the message read aloud afterwards, the text will then not be spoken phonetically.
Tip: The Phonetic actions can be used for creating phonetic keyboards.
Note: A phonetic sound in a specific language may be pronounced differently from the language that has been specified in Menu > Settings > Speech > Voice!
Action Description Settings
Deutsch (Mann) The user has the letter or diphthong spoken phonetically and adds it to the message.
  1. In the Sound field, choose a sound from the drop-down list.
  2. In the Add to message box field, as required, change the proposed text to be added to the message.
Deutsch (Frau)
Nederlands (Vlaams)